SoPro information stand in the frame of the Eschenau Sustainability Days


A very special village event focusing on sustainability with many activities in various places of the municipality of Eschenau took place on October 4, 2014.


On the Raiffeisenplatz square the SoPro Innovation Platform presented in extracts, together with the Lilienfeld Waste Association, some model projects, such as "waste container recycling", "handicap tailor's – clothing for people with special needs" and "Painting with the Colours of the Earth". This event took place in the frame of the sustainability action days. (For further information, please refer to and to Facebook-Seite)


The creative products met with great interest. The wonderful things, which can be produced in social enterprises, were marveled at. Little visitors created their own pieces of art with much enthusiasm, and grown-up visitors created an artistic common painting using soil colours.

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SoPro-Infostand im Rahmen der Eschenauer Nachhaltigkeitstage: 15.Dec.2014 Teilen Share on Google+