TRIGOS – the award for enterprises assuming responsibility

The TRIGOS is not only an award for sustainable behavior and social responsibility, it has also been produced in this spirit.


Karl Lang of KOMUNITAS OG and two graduates of the “New Design University” presented a draft, inspired by the design of the federal TRIGOS: a construction consisting of three surfaces, which represent the three columns of sustainability: economy, ecology, and social affairs. The letter “N“ stands for Lower Austria and for sustainability.

Not only the design, however, also the choice of material resulted from the idea of sustainability. The core piece of this trophy consists of waste material of the office furniture production of the BENE company at Waidhofen/Ybbs. The protected workshop in St. Poelten has designed the writing of the TRIGOS inscription made of copper sheet, and milled the respective recess into the material, which later on was covered with enamel at the Emmaus workshop, the association for the integration of socially disadvantaged persons.


Such the new trophy of TRIGOS Lower Austria has come into existence, based on impressive cooperation between economy and Social Production enterprises within the framework of the best-practice project of “Social Production”.


For further information about the TRIGOS, please refer to:

TRIGOS - sozial produziert: 21.Nov.2012 Teilen Share on Google+